Crudo, intrigante y adictivo. Una historia basada en hechos reales del maestro del suspense chileno. Edison, un estudiante de Medicina que realiza abortos clandestinos junto con su novia, Emilia, se ve involucrado en la muerte de una muchacha durante una de sus intervenciones. Al mismo tiempo, lo acusan de robar material quirúrgico de su universidad y aprovecha este delito menor para entrar en prisión y eludir así la investigación del fallecimiento de la joven. Facundo Pineda, un experimentado detective, se convierte en la principal amenaza de la pareja, pues insiste en buscar los nexos entre dos hechos muy distintos que lo acercarán a la verdad. Lo que no esperaba es que su sed de justicia lo empujará a un camino sin retorno. El periodista Carlos Pinto se inspira en un dramático caso real para desvelar los oscuros secretos de dos inpiduos que, por malas decisiones, cruzan el límite de la ética, la moral y la legalidad. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Rough, intriguing, and addictive. A story based on true events, by the master of Chilean suspense.
Edison, a med student that performs clandestine abortions assisted by his girlfriend, Emilia, is involved in the death of a young woman during one of his interventions. At the same time, he is accused of stealing surgical material from his university and uses that misdemeanor to go to jail and avoid being investigated for the woman's death. Experienced detective Facundo Pineda becomes the number one threat to the couple, since he insists in looking for connections between two very different events that will take him closer to the truth. What he didn't expect is that his thirst for justice would push him to a path of no return. Journalist Carlos Pinto draws inspiration from a dramatic real case to unveil the dark secrets of two individuals that, after making poor decisions, cross the limits of ethics, morality, and legality.